Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Awesome dream, scary as hell but awesome!

Dreamt me and several others were in a house reputed haunted. We were being led around by the owner, a middle aged blonde man, handsome but devious. Evidently others in the group were not psychic but I was and while there I realized we were not there to investigate the house but to be murdered, as this man enjoyed torturing people with fear then killing them, making it look like they died accidentally from fear in the house. But the ghost of his son appeared to me and told me everything including what he'd done to him and I confronted the man with it but there was no way out of the house. He'd begun killing everyone and he was going to kill me and I was going to come back as a vengeful spirit against him. I had to get up at that point to go to the bathroom but when I came back and fell back asleep I picked up the same dream except I was outside the house at the end of a very long driveway and the entire area was encased in a thick fog. Before I could really get going on anything in the dream from there I woke up.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Back to School

I dreamt I was back in school and either the principal or a teacher there was very very mean, calling me a liar and wanting nothing to do with me like I was too low class to be there. At one point she had this little dog that she was being mean to, I picked it up to take it home, we were outside, near some water, and she punched the little dog in my arms, I then punched her and knocked her into a pond or fountain. I woke up then.