Dad's Affair and Hong Kong
The only recallable dream I had last night was:
I was running around a town with a friend and we were discussing my father having an affair. At one point we drove up their driveway, and my dad and mom (dream characters, not my real parents, irl my dad's dead) and I saw the three of them going into the house. I walked up to them and told them that me and my friend were going to Hong Kong for some "glorious tiny jaded turtles" and he was poopooing me at such an extravegance but he wasn't serious, mother cooed that travel is good for me and I started off telling them I'd see them in a few days. Me and my friend were driving to my place planning the trip and I told her I'd need to wash clothes first and she said it would take me longer to dress than her I told her I was only packing a few things and only had one pair of shoes (indicating a pair of black shoes with blue trim on my feet) and we decided I'd go to my place and start the laundry, go to her place and help her pack then come back to my place to get everything finished there. About that time the puppies cried and woke me.
I was running around a town with a friend and we were discussing my father having an affair. At one point we drove up their driveway, and my dad and mom (dream characters, not my real parents, irl my dad's dead) and I saw the three of them going into the house. I walked up to them and told them that me and my friend were going to Hong Kong for some "glorious tiny jaded turtles" and he was poopooing me at such an extravegance but he wasn't serious, mother cooed that travel is good for me and I started off telling them I'd see them in a few days. Me and my friend were driving to my place planning the trip and I told her I'd need to wash clothes first and she said it would take me longer to dress than her I told her I was only packing a few things and only had one pair of shoes (indicating a pair of black shoes with blue trim on my feet) and we decided I'd go to my place and start the laundry, go to her place and help her pack then come back to my place to get everything finished there. About that time the puppies cried and woke me.
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