They Stole My Car!!!
I dreamed I went to work in a fast food place. All was upbeat I liked the people, hated the work but was glad to be working. One day some of the employees were gathered around a window in front of the store, and I went to see what they were looking at. There were two vehicles parked on either side of my vehicle, one was a black 'dooley' pickup one was a green regular pickup. Two black men were argueing with someone as if they were being asked to leave. I was afraid for my car. But they left. When I got ready to go home, my car was gone. Now this isn't the car I'm driving now which is a green car. It was the car I had a while back, a brown Mustang. I didn't have the registration with me, and the police were not trying very hard to find it. I was talking to a policeman, had called Mother to get my VIN number off the registration because she had it, and was showing the screen to the policeman to see if the info it pulled up would help him. He seemed to be more interested in looking since he had more info to go on, then I woke up.