1) bought a boat
I bought a sailboat from William Atherton (actor, Ghost Busters, Real Genius, Buried Alive), though in my dream he was a sailboat salesman. It was a lovely little boat, white with a black stripe, simple, big enough for two to four people. I didn't know how to sail but my IRL neighbors were going to teach me how. These people are an old couple that likes to fish I doubt they know anything about sailing! Anyway William sold me the boat and we had to see whether or not there was a trailer hitch on my car, IRL there isn't in the dream there was. The boat was attached to the car I drove it without trouble home, the old couple met me on a dock and we went sailing! It was a lovely blue sky day the water was just a little rough but I was enjoying myself completely!
2) Worked in office looking for hotel
I worked in an office, my boss came to me and gave me a handful of forms and told me to find him a hotel in Oklahoma. He had to go away on business there. I must have been really new because I didn't know what hotel to send him to or even how to go about finding one, so I started walking around the office to find someone to ask. I came upon a woman who's only job it was was to chop vegetables. All day long, with a large butcher's knife, that's what she did, chop carrots, broccoli, all kinds of vegetables all day long. She was very attractive, hair long and styled kind of in 60s mode, parted down the middle and curled at the tips. She didn't know anything that could help me, so I asked around, no one knew what kind of hotel my boss liked. He came back through and told me he needed two copies of the form, and I decided to just ASK him about it and he said 'I didn't realize you didn't know how to do this' and took the forms from me to give the task to someone else. As I fumed my cellphone rang, and the call rang on everyone's phone. We all answered it and it was a man, a policeman I think, asking how was he supposed to get anything done with no one there, where was his secretary? I didn't know what to say, didn't know who he was, and after a while he hung up, and someone sent an email to say he'd gone. And I thought 'I wish I knew his address I'd send him a resume, I'd always be there'.
3) Creepy neighbor's house
It was dark and the neighbors across the street were supposed to be gone, or the house was supposed to be vacant. It was a brown house with white trim. Wood. I looked out the window and at first all was normal the house was dark and everything looked normal. I looked out again a little later and the porchlight was on and in a window looking out onto the front stoop I saw the blinds pulled down, someone was looking out, though inside the house was still dark. I called to Mother that the house next door had lights on and she said no one lives there. I looked back at the house and could still see someone looking out. I woke up.
Eerie side note: Just after this dream I realized somehow my television had turned on by itself.