Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Friendly Visit ...

My recently crossed over friend visited in dreams last night, she's doing fine and looks well except for the bluing around her mouth (she passed from lung cancer so basically suffocated). She was very happy. Glad to know.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Brownwood Dreamin' ...

My 'hometown' is Baytown, Tx. I spent the longest time we were anywhere in the Brownwood subdivision there. Google "Houston Wet" and you can learn about my little place on Earth and what happened to it. Anyway growing up I always had a fascination with one of the houses in our neighborhood. This house:

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The one in the rear of the shot. It was located at the end of the street we lived on. I was inside it once, the lady that lived there used to smoke pot with me and my bff Missy. So on to the dream.

I dreamed I was seeing the place from the front of it, so from the house we lived in on Linwood street. The house had gone asunder, no windows, run down (it was kind of that way when we lived there, intact really but the garage area was completely and permenantly under water, it was kinda cool.) Anyway, suddenly I saw a woman go into it. A woman probably in her early 20s. I found out that two women had bought the place and moved in. I had either visited or been invited, but I went there and they had fixed it up, but there was something really ominous about the place, about the whole dream really I can't recall more than going into the house and being conversational with the women. Also there were moments of leaving with someone in a car and coming back, not sure if I wanted to go there or not. I woke up very unsettled.

The house no longer exists, the subdivision was completely levelled by Allison several years ago. They turned the land into a wildlife refuge. I don't like dreaming about that place.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sad ...

I dreamed that I was somewhere and ran into D- from work. He was supposed to be meeting a woman but we got talking, just really indepth talking, and he just seemed like he didn't want to go meet her. We got in his truck and drove to work. Instead of the house we work at, it was a house that was falling apart.

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S- was there listlessly poking at things, J- wasn't there, he was at the other house (they were moving out of this one) and very ill. D- started talking to her and I went outside and sat in the sun. I thought at one point 'what if the phone rings', but looked at my watch it was 10 to 6, so I thought hell with it it won't. I woke up just after that.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Back to School!

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(This is actually the high school I went to!)

I dreamed I got a letter and it was a classroom schedule. I went to school and was tooling around the halls, talking to people, and looking for my classes. The schedule only read Science, English, Math, etc., but no room numbers or teachers. I ran into Gary Busey (a young version of himself) who was for some reason mad at me. I shrugged him off and went to find the principal's office or the administration people to find out which classrooms I needed to be in. I walked into a room and there was a chair against a wall in which a man in a brown suit was sitting, talking to a woman sitting at a round table against the opposite wall. The woman was in a brown dress. She looked like the person I needed so I asked her about the schedule. I had passed a gathering that looked like a pep rally or something and she said I needed to see the show "it has music and everything ..." she said, talking like a valley girl. I thought they were handing out the real schedules at the pep rally so I started to go back over there. Instead of the pep rally going on, it was a man that had set up a massive lot of train tracks for a toy train. I thought that was cool and wanted to watch. Gary Busey passed again, he got snarky with me saying "if you don't even want to say hello!" and stomped into a room slamming the door. I started walking away going to look for my room, I was looking for a science classroom. There was only one other person in the hall, a girl in a black dress, she had black hair, and she walked near a wall and a panel opened and something inside grabbed her and pulled her in and I started to panic. I ran down a couple of halls and when I came to the end of one it was in a room that the front was covered with glass doors, the one on the very corner to my right had been left unlocked and I opened it and ran to the vegetation to the side of the school and tried to make it to the parking lot. I looked up and saw people scurrying around and I knew they were looking for me and would come to the field if they found the door unlocked. Then I woke up.

Monday, August 04, 2008

From Good to Terrifiying!

My dream began with finding Laura (my best friend from my childhood). She was happy and well, trying to finance a wedding to get married. I found someone who would finance the wedding and helped her with the money. I was just so happy to have found her and find she was fine and well! Then somewhere along the way ...

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I was alone in a house and it was under seige by zombies. I knew there was a car near the house, and I would be able to get gas into the car and get away, but thought perhaps they would go away and I could stay. I looked out a window and the heads of two zombies popped up and, seeing me, they tried to get in. Another blond woman one had already gotten in. I threw her backward into an adjoining room and she broke in two and died. Nature's call blessedly woke me, as I tried to fall back to sleep the zombies kept creeping back but thanks to the commercials and jingles I was able to peacefully sleep until the alarm woke me again.