Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Most Bizarre Dream EVER ...

I dreamed a friend that I no longer see took me to a kind of escort service. The whole idea was to get me laid. People sat in a sort of auditorium on wooden benches, the 'pros' would look you over, take you to a back room and ... rock your world. For a fee of course. And that was part of what was worrying me. For starters I was sitting there dressed in a pink nightgown and robe. Nothing fancy, just cotton/rayon stuff, long and the robe was quilted. I had my wallet but only had about $11.00 in it so I didn't know how I'd pay if I was brought back. Then there was the fact no one was taking me because, in my thoughts, I was ugly. Men and women would come out from the back and grab people from around me and take them back, everyone was jovial and it was like a big party. I waited around a long time and finally got insulted that no one would take me back so I decided to leave. It was night outside the building and the cars were parked across the street. I started over and my car, the one I'm in now, pulled up and my Mother got out, and she was pissed that I was in such a place. Before that though, as I walked out the door of the brothel, I had my cat Harlowe in my arms and she kept leaping out and I had to catch her before she ran into the street. When Mother pulled up she leaped out of my arms again and I had to catch her before I could deal with Mother. I was furious she'd followed me. I have no idea what car I was driving, as we only have the one. I actually woke myself up to avoid the confrontation scene once I caught Harlowe.