Reality Intrudes on Dream
I was sleeping and the alarm started going off. I have the alarm set to music, to a local classic rock station. Rather in the morning instead of classic rock, they have this doofus preaching homophobic, judeo-christian blather all over the place. This morning was no exception. As I slept his rhetoric drifted into my dream, I was too deeply asleep to wake. I saw myself in a room of people, standing in a semicircle around a man droning on how this is a judeo-christian country, how marriage is a union between a man and woman no matter what your beliefs were, etc. and as he spoke and got more ridiculous, the crowd began to become angry and protest his panderings. When I finally woke the crowd was about to give him the bum's rush, and I was pissed. Took me half the day to get over it. When I woke he was still blathering that shit. I've got to change that radio station!