I dreamed fragmented dreams all night, but the one that was the fullest was I was attending a funeral. On the way I stopped at a rather sizeable house. It was multi story, white wood, colonial style. I don't know why I was there. I kept having to go to the upper floor, which was about the third floor or attic but it was a sizeable room. There was a kitten there that was representative of Sydney but it didn't look like him. Sydney is an orange tabby this kitten was black and orange. He kept getting lost, and I had to find him or I was going to be late for the funeral. One of my cousins Teri was there and she was nagging me because I owed her some money and I didn't have it to pay her at that time. On waking I was going back up the stairs to find Sydney and upon leaving, I was driving a station wagon, the car slipped into a ditch and I was unable to go any further.