Monday, October 17, 2011

Boogie, Boogie, Boogie . . .

I dreamed about my dear friend Boogie last night, I had gone to visit him and we sat and talked for a while, and oddly, part of that while I was topless . . . then I had on a turquoise summer outfit.  He was going house to house, he'd recently told me he and his partner were buying a house up north and have a condo in Texas for a summer home, so I guess that's where it comes from.  I was there for a while he had to go and his landlord came around, there was some repair that needed to be done to the place and I let him in then left myself, I was driving around a freeway system in a HUGE city, then I woke.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Indians, Grandma, Grandpa, Rocks . . .

Dream segment one:  I was in a learning situation.  In an adjacent room to the one I was in was a Native American Culture class.  It taught one about the Native American ways.  Being part Native American, I thought I'd check out the class.  I walk in and there are 4 - 5 elders (some not really old but considered elder) sitting on a white couch.  There is a coffee table in front of them with packs of paper on it that are bound with twine and feathers.  This is reading material for the class, but you can't just pick it up it must be handed to you by an elder, then you are accepted into the class.  There was a line of Native American people standing before the elders and I got in that line.  Everyone was looking at me oddly, except the elder that was speaking.  This was a woman of about 45 and she was speaking about health issues that plague the Native American people, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and giving health advise.  I felt unwelcome so I got out of line and went back to the classroom where I was, I think it was a history class.  After a while I went back into the Native American Culture class and got back in line, the woman was still talking, but an older man indicated I should take one of the packets.

Dream segment two:  I was at my grandparents house, they've been dead decades now, and they never cared much for me nor I them.  Anyway my grandfather was youngish, and there were many people there, avatars of my aunts and uncles.  Grandpa kept talking to me and being very nice.  I went inside at one point and Grandma is in there sitting on a gold or green couch with an orange cover.  She was pleasant and very chatty and kind.  We had for whatever reason brought a lot of our dogs there and had had them in one large cage.  Somehow they had gotten out.  I found Tiny Tim and Sadie, and several others, along with a little spotted puppy that I wanted to bring home and thought I'd hide her amid all the other dogs when I got them back in the cage.  I got them in there and went to do something, came back to check on them and they were all out again.  I looked at the cage and it had large holes in it and I was just so frustrated I threw up my hands and said "leave them here I don't care if Grandpa shoots them, just leave them here!"  But ultimately the cage was repaired the dogs were found, including the puppy, and placed in the car and we started home.

Dream segment three:  I was walking though a neighborhood and stopped at a place they were constructing a water feature.  They were using white stones in it.  For some reason I took a bag of the stones and put dirt in it, mixing the dirt and stones.  The next thing I knew I was picking up bags of pink and yellow stones to take home with me and I was going to make my own water feature using the pink and yellow stones.