Married and Moved . . .
I was dating a Romanian man, he had short cropped gray hair, was muscular but lithe, looked a little like Vin Disel but not as muscular. I had a bunch of cats and he had a bunch of snakes. We were having a day at a park and there was a woman with a young cat who was treating it very terribly, carrying it by it's hind feet, things like that. My love had just smoked a joint, I didn't do the drug but he did and I didn't mind. I told him we have to get that cat away from that horrible woman and we approached her and asked her if the cat was available for adoption, we'd even give her a little money for it. She had wild red-blonde hair, haggard face, was thin and possibly homeless. I asked her what she would take for it, she said "I'll take some pot." My love didn't have any more, well he did but didn't want to give it to her. I threatened to call the police about her abuse of the cat and she handed her over. I named her Porsche. My love and I married and we moved back to Romania. We got there and were making up the house and making a room for his snakes. There were all kinds and colors, some were red and black some were brown, they were all average size snakes, not large pythons. It was a collection of just plain snakes. Our favorite cat was Porsche and she slept in the room with us. We'd gone to bed and began making love when I woke up. Ain't that always the way!