Sunday, October 06, 2013

KISS Me Again . . .

While I was sleeping I dreamed I'd gone to a concert with someone and we didn't have tickets but I WANTED to get in to see KISS so we did all these weird things and got as far as two security guards inside.  One walked away, leaving the other to deal with me.  He was a well built man, bald, in a Houston Police uniform.  He approached me and rather than trying to bullshit my way past the guy I grabbed his shirt at the throat and pulled him down to my level and wailed I HAVE TO SEE KISS!!!!!!!!!!  About this time I was awakened by my puppy pouncing me within an inch of my life.  Then as I dozed trying to go back to sleep, I had a kind of daydream in which I was outside the arena and had found the mobile homes KISS tours in and someone dressed as The Demon had stepped on my foot (as usual I was clad in jeans and flipflops) and the steel teeth of the soles went through my foot.  A guard there told me to go into Gene's mobile home and tend to my wounds.  While in there Gene came into the home not knowing I was in there.  I came out after cleaning the bathroom and explained to Gene what I was doing in there and he told me it was still crowded out there and to sit with him and talk.  He had me put my wounded foot up and we sat and talked a while, then of course, he started talking about how he'd been celebate so long and how nice it would be to make love to me so, of course, we did and again I awoke smiling.  Ah Gene you really do it for me!