Odd Job
Ok so I dreamed I was downtown Houston interviewing. Didn't get the job and wasn't upset about it, and I was walking around taking in the city and taking pictures. A man approached me, balding, gray hair, in tan leisure clothes with a tan jacket. He asked me if my name was [RB] and I said yes and he said 'come with me, I have a job for you'. So I followed him into a very bizarre building. We went up an elevator that had no doors, just really a platform rising and each floor was well, floorless, and there were large quilts or tapestries on ropes along the walls that were being constructed. We got up to a floor and stopped and I asked him what kind of work I'd be doing and he said 'well, legal work mostly but when things are slow I'll put you to work in the factory on the machines', which I thought was good. I asked him how he knew me and he never answered. We went into a room that was VERY odd, there were benches along the wall with people, some looked First Nation, sitting on the benches and I thought they were prospective job seekers. So I asked him about an interview. He had been doing anything but interviewing me or putting me to work, I was just following him around. He said 'oh you got the job.' So on we went. We went into a room with a round glass table in the middle, and on the table was a small object about the size of an acorn. The guy said 'there's cocaine on that', pointing to the little thing, 'and we need to get it to the cops.' So I figured it was some kind of test for me, so I started looking for my purse to see if I had an envelope that I could use to scoop the thing up with and then I started wondering where the hell I'd find a cop, I'd have to go back down that creepy elevator and out to the street to flag down a passing police car, and as I contemplated all this I awoke. VERY strange . . .