Bad Work Dream
I dreamt I was working with about a dozen people, and they were being just so hateful to me. I wasn't feeling well so I decided to ask if I could leave early, and got permission to do so. I started to leave and decided to skip one work area but go on to the next, and it played out like going class to class in school. I got where I was going and it was a widely open living room type situation, tan walls, black furniture, we were there to interact and share ideas, but the people were insulting me and making fun of me and just making me miserable in general. Someone announced a concert was up coming and they were going to get tickets so everyone who wanted to go say so and they'd get the ticket. I said I wanted to go and I decided I would drive myself rather than trying to go with them. Later on I saw a yellow sheet with everyone's names on them and I knew my name was going to be on there to show I'd been taken off the concert list, and when I looked two names had "chopped" under them, mine and another. I wasn't disappointed, I just went about my business. What had made me not feel well was my back was hurting (in waking life it was) and there was something with my eyes, I couldn't see and they hurt. So when the clock at the workplace said 10 of 6 I left to go home and was driving around a freeway system going home when I woke up.