Bizzare in Yellow . . .
I dreamed I'd crashed my car in a wooded area. I was either found by people or found on my own a research facility, or something. I was walking around inside and there were men in suits, women in medical coats, ordinary people walking around talking and such. It was a large, airy, open place decorated entirely in yellow. The floors were yellow tile and there was yellow in the wallpaper and the curtains. I kept walking around and began to feel uneasy. At some point I was confronted by a man who had my pendulums in his hand, he'd taken them from either me or my car. He said he couldn't have me just wandering around, and he especially couldn't have these, and held up my pendulums, because he was a funeral home. He was an odd red color, like he was covered in blood or his skin was inside out. That frightened me and I went outside to try to find where I'd come from. I walked through quite a lovely forest and came across a large pond, I didn't think that was where I'd come from. I walked over to the edge of the pond and there were wide metal bands leading into the water and I KNEW there were cars in the pond, they had been driven down those metal bands and submerged into the water, and I knew my car was in there too. Oddly I began realizing it was a dream and dreamed on that I was home, in the yard and Mother was out there and I was telling her about the dream and I had a piece of cardboard, the kind that is on the backs of legal pads and notepads. I was trying to draw the pond and the metal tracks and was telling her about the yellow and the people and was very excited, like it had happened. Then I woke for real;