A Weekend With Stephen . . .
It's always a blast when Stephen King visits my dreams, and this time no exception. He had invited me to stay the weekend at his house. While there he and his wives, that's right one current and one ex, showed me a good time. Stephen had divorced Tabby and married an Asian. But Tabby was still hanging around, as a matter of fact she was hanging on a chandelier in the hallway. By her feet then rolling up and holding on with her arms, all smiles. Stephen had a habit of climbing the walls. Literally. The Asian Mrs. King was playing the gracious hostess, seeing to my needs as a guest. She was very kind. At one point I'd gone outside and there were 4 chihuahuas playing in the yard, a mom and dad and two pups. Someone had come over that had two more so they had just started to play with the other 4. The someone was a reporter. I'd begun walking down a sidewalk and encountered a section that was being painted red by Stephen. I ask him, you couldn't maybe tell me you were going to be painting the sidewalk? And I continued on over an unpainted patch and the reporter was on her way up. As Stephen was busy I asked her to follow me to the house so she could sit down. As we approached the dogs I picked the mother chihuahua up and told her "they have chihuahuas!" and she did the grossest thing. As I was holding the dog she put her face between its legs and went down on her! Ugggghhhh! I was shocked but she said it was good for the dog and I was thinking, ok more power to you, lady! The Asian Mrs. King and the ex Mrs. King then brought out drinks for everyone and the light began to fade into night and I woke up.