Thursday, February 21, 2019

Kidnap and Dog, Richard Again . . .

First dream was weird.  I dreamed I lived in a house across the road from a house at the end of  a long long driveway.  I went to the house to try to buy a dog, a dappled male dachshund.  The woman that lived there was rough and tough looking, and there were two young boys there that didn't seem like they belonged there.  I began to think they had been kidnapped and were there against their will.  One was like 16-18 with dark hair, tall and lanky.  The other was also dark haired and looked to be about 10-12.  I tried and tried to buy the dog, I kept offering her $150 but she wouldn't sell me the dog and hurried me off the property.  I decided to call the police to have them check the boys but woke up before they did.

Second dream, Richard Simmons gave me a ride home from somewhere.  The house I lived in was right on the shore of a lake, with a wonderful nature trail beside it and the neighbor house had a pool we had access to.  I was showing the neighbor house to Richard and he jumped fully clothed into the pool.  I was showing him my house it was multi floored and kind of sprawling but was messy and I was embarrassed about that.  We kept looking at the panoramic lake view and made plans to walk the nature trail one day.