Oh Man ... ???
I don't recall the dream before this but it seemed to be humdrum either homelife or work or both. But at some point I got in a car that looked a lot like a big, finny black and white Plymouth Fury, and began driving in a town or small city. I was driving quite fast and running every redlight I came to, not even bothering to stop. Most of the time people would barely miss me and honk and curse but I kept on going. At one point I wondered how I was doing this and not getting pulled over. It was a that point my right peripherial vision caught sight of a black and white patrol car. I pulled over, knowing I was guilty of many traffic violations. The police officer came to the window and began asking me if I was crazy, did I realize what I was doing, and in general beginning to chew me out, I was about to respond very casually ( I wasn't shook up at all ) that yes I was aware of what I was doing just give me the ticket or take me in, either way this needed to end. I woke at that point.