Romania ...

I had a beautiful dream of Romania last night. I dreamt our water line had broken and we had to go al the way to Romania to fix it. There, it was dusk. We were in the country on a dirt road. We were in front of a fence trying to get in but there were people in front of the gate with signs that read ‘Please don’t pee here!’ I tried to help out by asking one of the women if she spoke English, “Vorbiţi englezeşte?” I asked her. “Vorbiţi româneşte?.” She replied. A woman Mother knew showed up and took us to a city. We were talking she was very animated and I asked her what a particular building was I saw from her window. She shrugged and replied ‘it’s just a motel,” and indeed it was a Best Western. There were some men on the streets in suits trying to be impressive, they were looking for brides. There were other men in suits following us around, bad cops, trying to pull something. They tried planting cocaine in my bag, but I caught them. I was again talking to the lady and looked out down on the street and saw what appeared to be nuns and people in black and a black shrouded coffin making their way down the street. “Hey a funeral!” I said and she told me “Yes, it is.” Mother and I were walking through the city going home and I was saying something in Romanian and she corrected me, surprising me that she spoke the language. I asked her how she learned it and she produced a box that had several small books in it and gave them to me, as it was a course in Romanian.
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