Law Office, Misty Mansion, Someone Cast a Spell ...
Before going to sleep, I'd found a fragment of my journal and was reading it. It was a chapter back when I worked in a law office for a quite insane attorney. When I went to sleep I dreamed a restless, uncomfortable dream of the law office and the attorney.

It faded and I was walking up a long cement/stone walkway. I was talking just to myself that I'd had this dream before, that I'd come up this walkway before, this walkway that had whorls in it. I looked up the walkway and there were circles, like spirals, formed into the walkway. The fog enshrouded walkway led up to a very handsome mansion, much like the one pictured here.

It was supposed to be abandoned and I was excited to see inside it, I knew I could get in, and I knew it to be haunted. As I was walking up the walkway, I heard the approach of horse and rider. I jumped behind a skimpy bush, but the horse and rider passed right by me and didn't actually see me. Then a kid on a bicycle passed by, he didn't see me either. Then came the ghosts of the mansion. It was actually the ghost of a warlock, the term used in its traditional way, that of a witch who is a betrayer. He saw me and I began to run. I think I must have run back to the law office I seemed to be in that type environment. I warned people he was coming, he had a band of minor spirits with him that he manipulated to do his bidding. We banded together and ultimately destroyed him, but not before he cast a spell on me.

He had a piece of paper in his hand and told me should he tear it I become the image on the paper. I asked him what was the image and he said ZZ Top. I happily said I love them go ahead! And he did, then vanished. I didn't feel any different so I started to my car. I got to it from the tunnel system downtown. People looked at me oddly. I passed a mirror and looked. My face was like stone, a marbled look, I looked like myself but like a statue. I came to an office and a woman asked me what had happened to me. I told her I'd tell her if she would take me seriously and not laugh. She promised and I told her someone had cast a spell on me. She didn't laugh. The next thing I was doing was in a dark room doing a spell reversal. It worked and I awoke.

It faded and I was walking up a long cement/stone walkway. I was talking just to myself that I'd had this dream before, that I'd come up this walkway before, this walkway that had whorls in it. I looked up the walkway and there were circles, like spirals, formed into the walkway. The fog enshrouded walkway led up to a very handsome mansion, much like the one pictured here.

It was supposed to be abandoned and I was excited to see inside it, I knew I could get in, and I knew it to be haunted. As I was walking up the walkway, I heard the approach of horse and rider. I jumped behind a skimpy bush, but the horse and rider passed right by me and didn't actually see me. Then a kid on a bicycle passed by, he didn't see me either. Then came the ghosts of the mansion. It was actually the ghost of a warlock, the term used in its traditional way, that of a witch who is a betrayer. He saw me and I began to run. I think I must have run back to the law office I seemed to be in that type environment. I warned people he was coming, he had a band of minor spirits with him that he manipulated to do his bidding. We banded together and ultimately destroyed him, but not before he cast a spell on me.

He had a piece of paper in his hand and told me should he tear it I become the image on the paper. I asked him what was the image and he said ZZ Top. I happily said I love them go ahead! And he did, then vanished. I didn't feel any different so I started to my car. I got to it from the tunnel system downtown. People looked at me oddly. I passed a mirror and looked. My face was like stone, a marbled look, I looked like myself but like a statue. I came to an office and a woman asked me what had happened to me. I told her I'd tell her if she would take me seriously and not laugh. She promised and I told her someone had cast a spell on me. She didn't laugh. The next thing I was doing was in a dark room doing a spell reversal. It worked and I awoke.
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