Race, Kasey, Fire
I dreamed there was a race just outside the house I was living in. This house was light brick, like the one we lived in when in Baytown, and I was very excited and happy. I was walking around in front of the house watching everyone and the cars were racing around a track built in front of the house. Kasey Kahne pulled up in a small white junky foreign car and got out and he signed an autograph for me and went on to get in his racecar and join the race. I'd gone inside at one point an in a back bedroom, my bdroom, was a television and either a large ehater or small firepit but I think it was a heater. The television was televising the race, and I was with some other people, and we walked out of the room and when we did someone threw something on the heater and it caught fire. We had walked outside the house and I looked back and flames were pouring out the roof. I asked one of the people "it's gone, isn't it?" and they nodded and the fire trucks came and put out the fire. When we went back into the house I was expecting a lot of blackness and water damage, but instead the only difference was the ceiling looked something like a lightly toasted marshmallow. I was happy that no one would notice the damage. Then some of the people that were with me turned out to be drug dealers and they were trying to meet up with connections in the house but I finally persuaded them to 'take their business elsewhere' and as they were leaving a black woman came in with a small child in tow. She was saying something about how someone had her wife. Some mail got slid in through a slot in the door and I opened it. It was junk mail, advertisements, and it was geared toward gays and lesbians. I exclaimed "how do they kow I"m gay?! How do they know???" Then I woke up.