Rope Bridge

I dreamt that I had been working somewhere, and it was a temp assignment that had ended. I'd left behind a fine white satin jacket and was going back to get it. I found myself standing at the edge of a MASSIVE rope bridge that stretched farther than anyone could see across a river. It was a windy dark and cold day as there were people on the bridge, just standing there, not crossing, in coats and huddled against the wind. Everything had a sort of brown tinge, the river was muddy and restless, the air was thick and heavy. I had to cross the bridge although I was very apprehensive, I had to get the jacket back. I started across the bridge and the water was sloshing onto the bridge. About halfway down the bridge became submerged. I was so frightened, but I pushed on, stepping deeper and deeper as I crept along the bridge. I didn't know if in the next step I'd just step off the bridge into the river because I couldn't see where I was stepping. Miraculously I ended up on the other side, and they couldn't find the jacket. I found one that looked like the jacket I wear now, blue nylon with yellow velour lining, but when it was picked up the woman said 'that's not your jacket,' and I looked again and it was purple velour with white lining. I said 'no, that's not mine,' and kept looking for the white satin one. At one point we found it, it was a fine white satin jacket with something deep pink on it, maybe a rose not really sure what. I started to leave and realized in horror that my dogs had followed me, and there were some small puppies there too. I couldn't leave the place and take the chance on the puppies following me as they'd surely drown on the bridge, so I begged them for a box to put the puppies in, but they wouldn't let me have one. There were empty cardboard boxes everywhere but they wouldn't let me have one. I was about to just take one anyway when I woke up.
Very vivid dream, the bridge scene just floored me.
Hi there. I found this link on the yahoo dreams group. The pictures go nicely with the dreams. Your inner world is rich. Thanks for sharing it.
I'm not much of a dream interpreter as I tend to just take them as experiences, but I do have questions a lot after dreams.
My question for you is: "Why didn't you just wrap the puppies in the 'fine white satin' jacket?
Do you ever "re-enter," the dream and "re-dream" it as a way of working with the material?
Anyways, I'm rambling. Best Wishes.
I don't know ... that's just how the dream lent itself. I wanted to put them in a box. I've reentered dreams before, but I always just 'finish' the dream ... it plays out as it will.
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